computer Code night! computer

December 20, 2016 - 18:30

La Gare, 5333 Casgrain avenue

We are delighted to be invited by the Ruby on Rails coding bootcamp Le Wagon Montréal @ the coworking space La Gare for our last meetup of the year.

The usual meetup day is very close to Christmas so let's do something different for those who are available.

It'll be a simple workshop where you can help with developing the website.

Before the workshop, we ask you to install the project on your laptop following these steps: . Don't worry if you get stuck somewhere, we can help you out.

If you want to start earlier, have a look at everything we'd like to see on the website here:

You should also join our Slack community: Join the #website-development and #workshops channels to discuss and see what's happening!

Remember that if you don't install the project on your computer, you'll lose that time on the workshop day. We want you to have fun and to code something you are proud of. More time = more fun.