September 19th meetup, back to school!
[English will follow]
Pour ce premier meetup de la rentrée, nous sommes heureux d'être accueillis par Le Wagon Montréal, à La Gare ainsi que par Cap Beast.
- Qui?: Tout le monde intéressé par les technologies, la programmation et Ruby/ Ruby on Rails
- Combien?: Gratuit
- Inscription?: Pas besoin, tout le monde est le bienvenu
- Questions?: Contactez Sophie ou tweetez @montrealrb
For this first “back to school” meetup, we are really pleased to be hosted by Le Wagon Montréal, at La Gare and by Cap Beast.
- Who? : Everyone who is interested in technologies, programming and Ruby on Rails or Ruby
- How much?: It's free
- Register?: No need, just come, you're welcome
- Questions?: Contact Sophie or tweet @montrealrb
Who are you calling “grasshopper” anyway?, by Roberta Voulon
“Patience, young grasshopper.” Mentoring young grasshoppers is a way of giving back and sharing the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years. And mentoring with a peer can help you solidify what you have just learned, or to have a concept explained to you better than someone 15 years your senior might have. We feel validated by receiving and giving mentorship.
There are a few pitfalls though. How we think we learn isn’t necessarily what the learning brain has to say about it. As a mentee, we don’t always know how to ask the right questions, or as a mentor how to answer the questions right. We want to be helpful but maybe we also like to hear ourselves talk.
In this presentation we will go into the research that can help us understand how we learn, how we can help build self-confidence in others and ourselves, and how to determine an individual approach for all types of people we mentor, including those who think very differently than us. We’ll also go into our experience with mentorship at Les Pitonneux, with both receiving and giving mentorship.
About Roberta Voulon
Les Pitonneux http://pitonneux.comRoberta Voulon is founder and president at Les Pitonneux (, a talent incubator and community of new and experienced developers and programmers. Our 12-week “un-bootcamp” program LAB12 ( helps self-learners become pro, supported by a whole community of mentors (including their peers).
Brought to you by our sponsors:
Le Wagon apporte un savoir-faire technique à des esprits créatifs et entrepreneurs dans 19 villes à travers le monde. Ce bootcamp de 9 semaines (programme FullStack - développement web ruby on Rails) vous donne à son issue la possibilité de construire un prototype de n’importe quelle idée. Plus de 1700 alumni sont sortis des rangs du Wagon.
Curieux d'apprendre avec Le Wagon ? Découvrez le cours en ligne gratuit d'initiation au développement web 👉
La prochaine session commence le 25 septembre 2017. Plus de détails sur le programme et les modalités d'inscription sur le